Sunday, June 1, 2014

Chasing a cop car

Recently I had the opportunity to run a small local 5k. I was given the morning off from work so I joined my wife and girls to support the Malala fund. This was a 5k put on by a group of sixth graders from Sunset elementary. I was looking for redemption from my DNF at the Ogden marathon. I also wanted a check on my fitness to gauge goals for next marathon. I went in thinking maybe I could go sub 20 minutes.
I decided to run the one mile to the start line as a warm up. It was chilly at the start. Just the way I like it. I spent 30 minutes scanning the crowd looking to see which runners I could keep up with or those that would push me to a pr. Ok in reality I was checking to see any other runners would take first from me. I wanted to win. I figured with the majority walking my pace could win.
A police office was going to lead the whole race. If I was out in front I would be chasing the cop car. How cool would that be?
The race was about to start. As is the case about 10-15 young boys lined up right in front of the cop car. Not being very sportsmans like I thought to myself I am going to show these little punks up. Sometimes I do not have very nice thoughts when I run.
The signal was given and we were off. It only took 100 yards or so and I was the lead runner. At the .25 mark I was running a sub 6 minute mile. I tried to slow and new this would hurt me in the long run but the adrenaline was flowing and there was no holding back. It was cool running and chasing a cop car. Thee was no one around. The police officer was my own escort. I was flying and having a great time.
I has slept funny the night prior and was unable to turn my head to see who was behind me or how far behind me they were. Just after mile 1.5 I was able to take a turn and see a couple of runners about 50 yards behind. My pace had slowed significantly.  But I was still hanging in the seven minute range. It was going to be close to have a pr. I knew a long gradual hill was coming and I was preparing for the hill. I conquered the hill and maintained my pace. This was good for me because I usually lose ground on the hills. Now came the fun part. What goes up must come down. After flying down the hill I made a right had turn and had about a .25 mile to go. I found another gear and pushed hard to the finish. I was wearing my orange compression sleeves and my bright Florissant sketchers shoes. I must admit I was feeling my inner Meb come out as I headed to the finish.
My time of 20:30 was not a pr, but that is ok. I felt good considering I raced hard for 18.5 miles the week before. I do wish someone was with me in the front to help push the pace a little faster. This was a fun race.
My girls were disappointed that all I won was a T- shirt for first. I was lucky to win this as this was a last minute decision. Back in February I took second overall at a valentines 5k. For that effort I won a teddy bear that was taller than my four year old. My girls were hoping for this to happen again. A great opportunity to talk to my girls about fundraising and why not all races have medals.
Coming in first has it perks. I was able to watch all the runners and walkers come through the finish. All those boys I passed and "showed" all recieved a high from me as they came through the finish. It was just as rewarding winning as it was watching everyone finish their race. I was had the joy of running my four year old into the finish.
Fun was had by all and that was the end goal of today's race

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