Sunday, September 25, 2011

Emilee Starts School

On Aug 22, 2011 Emilee started school at Sam Morgan Elementary

Emilee was signed up to attend fremont Elementary. After notice of failing test scores over two years Julie and I decided to apply for a variance and get Emilee in a better performing school.

Emilee's teacher is Mrs. Moore. Emilee comes hoem everyday eager to show her projects and letter she has learned that day.

The only complaint is that recess is not long enough. There is never enough play time

Misguiding Parents

Over the last couple of weeks has been an adjustment as Emilee has started kindergarten. My fail came as last Monday I was to pick Emilee up from Kindergarten. For some unknown reason I thought class ended at 11:50. This must have been because school starts at 8:50, so class should be four hours. Wrong class ends at 11:30. There I was hanging out in the parking lot at 11:50 with no other parents around. As i sat in the car waiting Emilee was in the office waiting for her daddy to pick her up. I took some phone calls, made some texts with no clue. I did think it was odd that there were no other cars or parents waiting. I finally got out of my car and was walking around as I was on the phone and here comes Emilee with one of the schools office people. What a dork I am.
I was only to be outdone by mom the next day. Emilee has been playing fall soccer. All but one of her games has been at 6pm. Not on this night, the game was at 5pm. Julie was home cleaning and cooking unaware that the game was going on. When Julie arrives she thinks she sees the coaches wife leaving. As she pulls up there is no blue jersey to be seen. Emilee is on the blue team. The tears immediately start flowing as she realizes she missed her game. To add gas to the fire it was Emilee's turn to bring the treats. She was very excited to hand them out at the end.
I guess it is true that a parents job is to ruin the life of their children, So in that case this pass week we have been successful.