Monday, December 17, 2012

Running has taken over

As many of you are aware in July of 2012 Julie and I took up running. Today I would like to share my experience of running. Since I had today off I thought that it would be a good idea to run in the afternoon since most of my runs are in the dark of the morning. I waited until about 3pm to get ready and head out the door. The sun had been shining or hiding behind clouds all day. I had received many weather warnings of snow coming into the area. Well at 3:30pm when I headed out the door that is when the rain decided it was going to make its appearance. Knowing full well if I waited I would not get my run in for the day. It was only 5 miles so I mustered all my courage and headed out the door. Part of my run takes me past an elementary school. This is the same school Carly is attending preschool. School was getting out and you could see the excitement and wonder in the eyes of the children. With the events of the past weekend my thoughts during most of my run was on my two little girls and the joy and frustration that they bring into my life.
I can tell you that I much rather run in the rain or rain snow mixture or even snow, as I had all three during my run today. The weather today was much more enjoyable than running in the wind that has been a perpetual nuisance for the last month during my runs.
Today was also the first time in two months I did not have any pain in my knee as I ran. Sweet monkeys am I excited. The I-Band injury has been a pain and almost halted me in the middle of a half marathon.
Things are looking good as I build mileage to start training for my marathon in May.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Emilee Starts 1st Grade

Emilee is now in 1st grade up at Sam Morgan in Kaysville. Emilee loves having 3 recesses and eating school lunch.  Carly was not very happy to say goodbye to her big sister.  I'm so excited for all Emilee will get to learn this year. Today she had her first assembly Col Gail Halvorsen came he helped with the Berlin Candy Dropin WWII, she had a great time learning history then going and having a helicoptor drop candy.

Monday, February 20, 2012


The other day Emilee discovered the power in numbers. She told me that I was no longer in charge of the remote because there are more girls than boys. The girls are in charge because there is only one boy. Emilee then turned to Carly and told her that she no longer needed to listen to daddy because he is a boy and there are more girls so mommy is in charge.
I think I cried a little inside. This definitely could had been a very funny moment instead I was hurt. This still does not change my mind, No more children. What happens if there is another girl then it would be 3 to 1. I can't take that chance. I am already outnumbered and the scary thing is they know it.