This year has been one of many blessings for our family. The year started of with a bang when on January 2 we were able to close on are house in Clearfield. We had a heck of a time getting everything put together to close. We had wanted to be in by Christmas. We received a blessing by not closing until January, we were able to take advantage of the free 8,000 tax incentive for new home buyers. This helped us remodel the house and make it livable.
Then in February we found out after over a year of trying we were to expect are second child in October, and on Emilee's birthday no less.
The next several months were spent getting ready for a new baby and continuing work on the house.
In march we experienced the first of two floods in the house. The sump pump was not working properly with all the thawing of the snow. We were blessed to have such great ward members come over to help us clean up the mess. This was a bonus since we were attending church in are new ward but were not living in the house yet as we were waiting until the remodel was finished.
In may we were able to go to Canada to visit and explore Canada were Julie's moms family is located. We took Emilee to Niagara Falls. She was not very impressed with Maid in the Mist. It was great to be able to spend time with family and get away from work for a week.
The first part of June was the big day, we had finished the remodel and moved into are house. Well the fun lasted less than 24 hrs as a pipe burst under the kitchen sink and cause half the upstairs to flood. We were blessed in this because Doug was home to shut off water and start the clean up. We were going to wait and spend the night after we had finished unpacking and had the house put together. It was guidance that led us to stay the night. If we had not there was a good chance the damage could have been catastrophic.
The months continued to go by as Emilee got excited for her new baby sister. She was very excited to come up with names, most could not be pronounced or even remembered, but she had a good time.
On October 15, 2009 after two years and many prayers and blessing we welcomed Carly Ann Smith to are growing adventure. She came at 6lb 2 oz and was 20 inches long.
When Carly was only 5 weeks long she went on her first adventure with mommy and daddy. Doug was able to full a dream and attend a Denver Broncos game at Mile High Stadium. We went with Some of Doug's Managers Andrew and Heidi and Salome came along to watch Carly as Julie wanted to go to the game as well. What a fine little football fan she has become.
We also received BYU tickets to the BYU vs Utah game from Doug's Grandparents.
As another year winds down and we sit back we realize how lucky and blessed are little family is. We want thank everyone for adding to are blessing this year.
We want to thank bishop Smith and grandpa Smith for spending so much time and effort in helping to finish are house we have received many compliments on the house and could not have not it with out you
May God bless you as 2009 comes to a close and we enter into 201